Hello Hello!
Well as I'm sure everyone is aware that I haven't been around for a couple weeks. There was a tragic death in my family that greatly affected my husband and I. After spending a couple weeks making sure everything went smoothly for the rest of my family we somehow managed to come home with (until further notice) my aunt's African Grey parrot Morrocco. My husband and I love having him (he's way too funny) but I'm sure our neighbors will tire of him soon. Gordo still isn't sure what to make of him...
This being said I fell off the wagon. I gained back 4 pounds :( . But that's ok I'm back on track and off to a good start. I have several pictures of our food from the week before I left town as well which I will post slowly over the week along with recipes. We are also trying new recipes the next few weeks.
Most of my recipes I get from Pinterest. I am the most addicted to Pinterest...but I have taken to actually completing and trying the things I pin. Follow me at http://pinterest.com/niccik326/ . Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Welcome back! I'm sorry for your loss!